I didn't have any of the Catrice palettes until I bought this Absolute Matt Eyeshadow Palette. They caught my attention, because of the simple packaging and beautiful eyeshadows. I decided to buy one, but I wasn't sure which one. At first, I wanted to buy the new one, that came out, Chocolate Nudes, but I saw on Instagram, that the quality of the eyeshadows isn't the best. Then I remembered that Mateja from Mateja's Beauty Blog raved about these palettes, so I searched on her blog and her favourite was this matte one. I'm really impressed how good quality this palette is for just 5,29€.
Catrice also has 3 similar palettes, Absolute Nude, Absolute Rose and Chocolate Nudes. The name of the palette, that I'm going to talk about today, is Absolute Matt Eyeshadow Palette: 010 Eyes Wide Matt. As I said before, the palette costs 5,29€ in Tuš Drogerija, which is a bargain for 6 eyeshadows. The are all matte. The palette is small and sleek with a transparent lid.
On the back of the packaging, you have some information about the palette and where to apply different shades. The palette also comes with a brush, which I don't really use, I prefer my own brushes. This palette is convenient to travel because it's small, has 6 different and good pigmented eyeshadows and you also get a brush. The one thing that I miss is a mirror.
First two eyeshadows you can use for highlighting, next two are like a medium brown shades, then one dark brown and the last one is a grey toned shade. The pigmentation is very good actually, I didn't have any trouble swatching the eyeshadows, except by the first and second one I had to swatch a few times.
The eyeshadows are a little powdery and dusty, but I didn't have any problems with them. Before I apply them I use a primer and they last the whole day, they also don't crease on me.
Overall this is a great palette, especially for the price.
Do you have any Catrice palettes? Do you have any recommendations, which one should I buy next?
Thank you for reading!
Joj jaz tudi obožujem to paletko, jo uporabljam skoraj vsak dan! :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiRes je super glede na ceno.
Jaz sem si zadala use up challenge do konca leta za essence majhno paletko, ampak je tak ne uporabljam več zaradi te :P
IzbrišiŽe ful dolgo si ogledujem tole paletko :) Ampak imam že tako preveč senčk, tako da bo treba počakat malo; pa še ravno septembra sem si dala 1 leto brez kupovanja make-upa :D
OdgovoriIzbrišiUpam da ti uspe :D
IzbrišiAll the shades are gorgeous !
They are great of you want a natural makeup look :)
IzbrišiJaz imam štiri - samo ta nova čokoladna mi manjka. In tale je meni tudi najljubša ;) Naslednja pa mi je taprva, osnovna Nude paletka ;) Najmanj mi je všeč Bright, ker mi je najmanj uporabna =)
OdgovoriIzbrišixoxo, Nyx
Sem že razmišljala, če bi katero kupila,bi bila najverjetneje to Nude paletka :)
IzbrišiSuper objava in blog! Bom definitivno preizkusila, če najdem v trgovini. :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiHvala <3 Mislim, da ti ne bo žal :)