This mascara has been my favourite ever since I bought it, I repurchased it a couple of times already. Before the waterproof version there were already two mascaras in the I Love Extreme line by Essence, a pink one, which is supposed to give your lashes lots of volume (I had this one on my WL for so long, but I still haven't bought it) and the black one, which, I think, is for a deep black effect. This blue version is waterproof and it was released in fall/winter 2016 update, I'm surprised all of these are still available since Essence discontinues their products every five minutes. Not really, but you know what I mean.
I Love Extreme Volume Mascara in waterproof comes in a big blue plastic packaging with pink writing. The tube is quite childish and not elegant at all, but I don't care about the packaging if there is a good product inside. You get 12ml of product for around 3-4€.
The wand is absolutely huge with lots of bristles. It is quite hard and messy to apply the mascara, but I did get used to it. Though, I still get times when I get the mascara all ever my lids. Considering the enormous wand, I'm surprised I haven't poked myself in the eye yet.
At the beginning the formula was very wet, it can stick the lashes together. After a couple of weeks, it gets easier to manage and the brush really helps to separate the lashes. There is plenty of product in the packaging, I use it a lot and after more than half a year I could still use it, but I try to keep track and buy a new one 6 months or so.
I love the effect this mascara gives to my lashes, I haven't experienced anything like this with other mascaras, this one has a whole deal. It elongates the lashes, it thickens them and makes them look full, it gives them volume and keeps the curl for the whole day. It doesn't smudge or crumble. I even cried hard with it a couple of times and I only noticed it crumbled just a bit, but I didn't get panda eyes, I didn't even have to fix it, except to wipe a bit fall off. Due to the formula, it's a bit harder to remove, even with my favourite makeup remover from Hofer it does take me a while to completely get it off.
Thank you for reading!
Vau, ful ti naredi lepe trepalnice. Da ne omenjam, da imaš že naravne trepalnice popolne. <3 Meni je sicer ok, ampak so mi navadne verzije boljše.
OdgovoriIzbrišiHvala <3 Nameravam kupiti še pink verzijo, ker to waterproof je kar težko odstranit brez dobrega odstranjevalca. Drugače pa je meni super :)
IzbrišiJooj, kako lepe oči imaš! Meni osebno so te Essence maskare najboljše, ker so poceni pa še lepe trepalnice naredijo in dolgo zdržijo, kar je glede na ceno odlično. Konstantno uporabljam tisto črno "Get Big Lashes" in je ne zamenjam za nobeno drugo. xx
OdgovoriIzbrišiHvalaa :D <3 Sem se odločila, da bom začela kar te Essence kupovat, ker so poceni in se dobro obnesejo. Ko porabim kakšno maskaro definitivno sprobam še Get Big Lashes :D
IzbrišiTale maskara je res zlata vredna :) Moja najljubša drogerijska zagotovo. Krasne trepalnice imaš :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiSe strinjam, ena boljših kar sem jih uporabljala. Boljša mi je edino še Maybelline Rocket Volume maskara. :) Hvala <3
IzbrišiEssence maskare so zakon! <3
OdgovoriIzbrišiSte me prepričale, da jih več sprobam :D
IzbrišiTo se odlično bere! Gre na wish listo :) Jaz brez vodoodporne maskare ne morem, ker mi navadne preveč otežijo trepalnice in se zato nekaj minutah po nanosu poležejo.
OdgovoriIzbrišiČe imaš težave s tem, da se ti trepalnice hitro poležejo ti priporočam Matejin blog (, pri njej najdeš nekaj objav, ki bi ti lahko pomagale :)
IzbrišiNajlepša hvala, jo že spremljam :)