Avon True Color Eyeshadow Quad Mocha Latte

Avon True Color Eyeshadow Quad Mocha Latte

I think this is my last more summery post this year. I can't believe how fast the year is going. I still remember New Year's eve like it was last month and now a new one is just around the corner. Anyway, enough of me rambling, let's go to today's post. I'm going to talk about a palette from Avon, that I got at SummerMBeauty blogger event. True Color Eyeshadow Quad Mocha Latte comes with four neutral eyeshadows. I already reviewed one of Avon's True Color palettes, called Au Naturale here. It's the same black shiny packaging, that's very sturdy. It also has a mirror inside. It comes with a double sided foam applicator, that I don't use.

Avon True Color Eyeshadow Quad Mocha Latte

Eyeshadows go on smoothly, they are a little dusty, but not chalky. Their pigmentation is good, but it's not the best, especially for the lightest shade. My favourite is the third shade, perfect for more autumn weather. I love how it makes my green/blue eyes pop. It also has some shimmer and surprisingly I love it.
They did last longer on my lids than Au Naturale, but my lids are oily and now when it's hot outside, they started to crease in a couple of hours. Maybe if I tested them in colder months, it would be better.

Avon True Color Eyeshadow Quad Mocha Latte

Avon True Color Eyeshadow Quad Mocha Latte

Overall, it's a great palette for travelling, it is small, it has a mirror, it comes with an applicator and has four neutral shades. But I will have to test it out in colder months to see if eyeshadows will last longer.

Thank you for reading!

*I got this product at SummerMBeauty blogger event


  1. Meni sta pa v tej paletki obe mat senčki najljubši :). Sicer imam občutek, da so te nove mat, Au Naturalle, boljše. Mogoče so izboljšali formulo. Avonove senčke super delujejo z Avonovim eye primerjem. Grejo na veke bolj intenzivno. Tretji odtenek je pa res perfekten za zelene oči :D.

    1. Že zadnjič, ko sem testirala Au Naturalle sem hotela Avonov primer naročit, ker ga vsi tako hvalijo. Če bi se ga dalo dobiti v Müllerju ali DMu bi ga že zdavnaj kupila, tako pa me nekako ne pritegne :) Enkrat ga definitivno bom :)

  2. Sem imela paletko podobnih barv in bi se skoraj lahko podpisala pod tole tvoje. :) Lepe slikce! ;)

  3. Jaz imam odtenek Sheer love. Mogoče naslednič kupim tudi tega, ki ga imaš ti. Je res lep :)

    1. Mislim, da ti ne bo žal, ker ima res take vsakdanje in neutralne odtenke :)
