I know everyone is saying this, but I can't believe how fast time is going. I'm going to be 20. I don't know if I'm weird, but time goes by so fast, sometimes I have to think how old I actually am. Let's go to the post. For my birthday I had to make a wishlist. I little disclaimer, I won't buy all of these products for my birthday, but I will treat myself a little with a few of them. For the rest of them, they will be on my wishlist for the next couple of months.
1. Sleek I-Divine Eyeshadow Palette in A New Day
We finally got Sleek makeup iIn Slovenian Müllers. I have never had anything from this brand, but I have heard a lot of good stuff about their eyeshadow palettes. I picked the palette in shade A New Day, because it's a mix of matte and shimmery shades, also the shades look lovely.
2. Trend It Up N°1 Nail Polish 110
3. Trend Iz Up Soft Matte Nail Polish 010
We also got Trend It Up in our DMs. I can't tell you, how excited I am for some new brands coming to Slovenia (Sleek, Trend It Up, L.O.V. and some more). The first nail polish looks perfect for autumn and winter. I love wearing red and dark red nails over that time. The second one is a nice rose matte shade, I just hope the formula is nice too.
4. Sleek Highlighting Palette in Solstice
This palette is absolutely gorgeous. I only have a few highlighters, so this would be great for my collection.
5. Trend It Up Ultra Matte Lipstick 420
I haven't read much about Trend It Up lipsticks, but I still want to try these matte lipsticks, in particular, the shade 420, I just love a good nude lipstick. I think Trend It Up also has matching lipliners to the lipsticks, so I want both, a lipstick and a lipliner.
6. Sleek Matte Me Ultra Smooth Matte Cream in Birthday Suit
7. Trend It Up Ultra Matte Lipcream 065
7. Trend It Up Ultra Matte Lipcream 065
I have heard some good things about Sleek's lip creams and I had to put Birthday Suit on my WL. I probably won't get both, the one from Trend It Up and this one, I will probably just buy the cheaper one, that's Trend It Up and see how I like it.
8. Physicians Formula Happy Booster Glow & Mood Boosting Blush
9. Physicians Formula Glowing Nude Blush
9. Physicians Formula Glowing Nude Blush
I have been adoring Physicians Formula blushes on Mateja's blog and I wanted one for quite some time now. If I ever have too much money, I will probably buy one.
10. Maybelline Lash Sensational Mascara
This is on my wishlist for a couple of months. I have seen only good things about it. I love most of Maybelline's mascaras and I haven't bought one in a long time.
11. Batiste Dry Shampoo Dark & Deep Brown
I had Batiste Dry Shampoo once before on my wishlist, but I haven't bought it yet. It is kind of expensive and I heard you use it up really fast. But I am thinking for some time that maybe for my birthday I will finally get it.
12. Balea Aqua Augen Roll-On
I loved every product I ever had of Balea's Aqua line, so I thought I would try this one too.
13. Eucerin Dry Skin Intensive 10% w/w Urea Treatment Lotion
I talked before that I have very dry skin on my upper arms and that my dermatologist recommended me La Roche Posay or Eucerin lotion with Urea. At that time I thought I would save money and I bought one from Balea for not even 2€, but I don't think that one is really good. I want to try this one too, to see if it's better.
I talked before that I have very dry skin on my upper arms and that my dermatologist recommended me La Roche Posay or Eucerin lotion with Urea. At that time I thought I would save money and I bought one from Balea for not even 2€, but I don't think that one is really good. I want to try this one too, to see if it's better.
14. Balea Feuchtigkeits Haarmilch Pfirsich & Cocos
I have heard about this on a german youtube channel, but I can't remember on which one. The girl was really impressed by it, I wanted to get it, but then I forgot about it. Now, I have found it on the Balea Website and I remembered to put it on my wishlist.
15. Garnier SkinActive Oil-Infused Micellar Cleansing Water
I have seen a lot of bloggers talking about it, also Slovenian bloggers, and they mostly like it. I am that person who has never owned a Garnier Micellar Water, so I hope I will have a chance to try them soon.
Do you have any of the products mentioned? Would you recommend it or not? Thank you for reading!
Do you have any of the products mentioned? Would you recommend it or not? Thank you for reading!
Joj, si še mlada :D Sem mislila, da si starejša nekaj let :D Odlična wishlista in upam, da ti uspe dobit čim več z nje, itak so večinoma stvari, ki niso pretirano drage. Za Birthday Suit ti ne bo žal, pa PF je po novem na voljo tudi v Kozmo drogerijah na Hrvaškem, če bi rada kaj v živo videla. Garnierjeva micelna je meni tudi zelo dobra, ampak imej v mislih, da ima silikone notri, če ti to slučajno maši pore. Kdaj pa imaš rojstni dan, če ni skrivnost?
OdgovoriIzbrišiČe bi me v živo videla bi mislila, da sem par let mlajša. So mi lani večkrat rekli, da izgledam kot da sem 12 stara haha :D Tudi jaz upam, res da niso pretirano drage, ampak še vseeno... Sama si vse plačujem in je včasih malo težko, sploh če hočem kaj prišparat. Hvala za vse informacije. :) Rojstni dan pa imam danes, 13. septembra :D
IzbrišiVse najboljše, Lana :D Želim ti veliko uspeha pri bloganju in na ostalih področjih :).
IzbrišiAha, potem si moje sorte :). Meni tudi nihče ne verjame, da sem več kot 16-18.
No, upam, da je kakšen od tvojih bližnjih dobil namig, kaj bi rada :). Sama tudi večno šparam, ampak malo drugače gledaš na cene, ko že imaš nekaj denarja na strani :)
Hvala tudi tebi :D <3
IzbrišiMene je včasih malo motilo, da so me v srednji imeli še za osnovno šolo, sedaj pa imam to bolj za kompliment, bom pa pri 50ih mlajša zgledla :D
Vse najboljše! Super wishlista, sami top izdelki! Jaz si, iskreno, česa takšnega ne upam sestavit, saj bi bilo predolgo, hihi ;)
Hvala! <3
IzbrišiI really want to try the Sleek highlighter palette, but that heart blush looks awesome!
OdgovoriIzbrišiKayleigh x
I know, they both look amazing :D
IzbrišiVse najboljše in lepo praznuj! :) <3 Jaz sem tudi mislila, da si starejša. Ne preveč, ampak malo. Ah to so najlepša leta ;). Sleek paleto osvetljevalcev ti priporočam, če si želeš take bolj obvious highlighterje. Lahko jih naneseš zelo natanko ali pa so res kot disko krogla. Vseeno so še vedno zelo odsevni, tudi tanka plast. Maybelline maskaro ti vsekakor priporočam. Je trenutno moja all time favorite. Je pa prve tedne malo preveč "mokra", ko se malo posuši, je pa odlična. Mene je najbolj navdušila, ker definira, da volumen in hkrati drži zavihanost.
OdgovoriIzbrišiA si preizkusila Balea Med losijone za suho kožo? Jaz imam Creme-Öl Körper Lotion mit Betain, ki ga uporabljam skoraj vso zimo ko imam suho in razdraženo kožo. Moj nov favorit je tudi Avon Nutra Effects Velvet Soft Moisture for body, face and hands, ki pusti tak lahek masten sloj, ki ne odide tako hitro iz kože.
Drugače pa se jaz tudi veselim Trend it up, že zaradi cen me zanima kakšni so izdelki. :)
Hvala! <3 Sedaj imam samo enih par highlighterjev in noben ni preveč obvious, zato tudi želim tega, da ga imam za tiste dni, ko bom hotla kaj več :D Maybelline maskara je že tudi tako dolgo na WL, morem malo akcije spremljat, da jo dobim znižano :)
IzbrišiImam Balea Med z Ureo. Saj ni slaba, je drugače ok za suho kožo, ampak hočem videt, kako bi se v primerjavo s to obnesla Eucerinova :) Bom pa prej preizkusila še to od Avona :) Cene za Trend It Up so super in koliko vidim so blogerke zelo navdušene nad izdelki, še posebej nad laki za nohte :D