As soon as I saw that Essence is releasing a new concealer in the spring/summer update, that looks very similar to the well-known Catrice Liquid Camouflage High Coverage concealer, I know I had to get it. I've had the Catrice one for a couple of months now, I almost used it up completely and I love it. Now that I have also tried the Essence one, I can write a comparison post. I have the shade 020 Light Beige by Catrice and 10 Nude by Essence (the darkest ones). If you compare both concealers on the swatches below, you can see, that Catrice is yellow toned and that Essence is more neutral.
First thing is the packaging. It's similar, but I would say that the Catrice one looks better to me, the Essence one is a bit bulky, it looks more childish. Both packagings contain 5ml. The selections of shades by Essence it's not the best, it only has two shades and both of them are fairly light. Catrice, on the other hand, has three different shades.
Texture by both of them is creamy, but Essence feels a bit lighter on the skin. In terms of coverage, I can say that Catrice definitely wins. It has a high coverage, compared to Essence, which has a medium coverage. By Catrice I did notice it can look a bit cakey if you have dry skin and you don't blend it well, but it doesn't set into lines. I also noticed that you have more time by Essence, when blending. You can wait a little when you apply it and it still blends well, but with the Catrice one, you have to blend right away, because it sets quickly. They both oxidize on my hand, but not on my face.
By Catrice I haven't noticed a scent, but the Essence one has a weird chemical scent, that you can smell only when you put your nose close.
Applicators are similar too. By Essence the applicator is bendable and softer, I prefer it over Catrice. The staying power is long lasting by both of them. By either of them, I had problems with creasing, even in the summertime.
They really are very similar. I still prefer Catrice because it has a better coverage, but Essence really impressed me, especially if you consider the price, which is only about 3€ (Catrice concealer is around 4€). I will probably use Essence for my under eye area because it is lighter than the Catrice one, but I probably won't use it to cover any imperfections. I would recommend both of them, both are affordable, both last the entire day without creasing and the coverage is good, especially by Catrice.
Thank you for reading!
Jaz imam tudi Catrice in mi je zelo všeč, samo meni je pa res preveč parfumiran. Sicer ne smrdi, ampak imam še vseeno raje ličila brez dodanih parfumov. Bom pa sprobala tudi tega od Essence :) Se mi je že takoj zdel zanimiv.
OdgovoriIzbrišiJaz pa pri Catrice sploh ne opazim vonja, pri Essence tudi skorajda ne :) Ti pa toplo priporočam Essence :D
IzbrišiOd Essence me za zdaj še ne pritegne. Za srednjo, naravno prekrivnost imam Radiance Reveal, ampak slišim da je najsvetlejši odtenek od Essence boljši kot od Catrice, katerega imam trenutno.
OdgovoriIzbrišiTrenutno sem v eni fazi ko me Essence in Catrice totalno odbija, ker sem šla cez celo mojo zbirko in je 95% stvari že opuščenih iz sortimana. To stalno odstranjevanje in dodajanje velike količine artiklov mi je že zelo mimo, ker bog ne daj da ti je kar res všeč. Si v stalnem strahu da ga čez pol leta ne bo več.
Radiance Reveal sem že gledala v DMu, ampak je kar zasoljena cena :/ Ja Essence je po moje kar fejst svetel, ta moj je temnejši pa še je na meni še kar svetel. Ne vem pa kako bi se obnesel na tistih, ki imajo res zelo svetlo kožo tako kot ti.
IzbrišiTudi mene zadnje čase več ne pritegnejo kaj preveč, je pa res, da je lahko fajn včasih kakšne trende preizkusit za malo ceno (sploh pri omejenih kolekcijah), ki jih mogoče ne bi. Tako kot je zdaj npr. ta rainbow highlighter pa kakšen colour correcting :)
Hm...morda pa preizkusim tega od Essence, sliši se zanimivo. Essence&Catrice stvari vendo kupujem tako, za dušo, ker itak nekega must-have izdelka ne smem najt, hihi ;)
OdgovoriIzbrišiXoxo, A.
Haha, to pa res, hitro menjujejo izdelke. Še zdaj mi je škoda tistega famous Pure Nude highlighterja, do katerega nikoli nisem prišla, zdaj pa je šel iz prodaje :/
IzbrišiSe strinjam s tvojim opisom. Res je bolj kot ne razlika v prekrivnosti in odtenkih. Tudi Catrice 005 najsvetlejši je bolj rumen, med tem ko je Essence bolj nevtralen. Jaz še vedno več posegam po Catrice, tudi za podočnjake, ker bolje prekriva. Sem pa Essence enkrat nanesla kar kot lahko podlago in je bilo super :). Odlična ocena ;)
OdgovoriIzbrišiHvala! <3 Kot podlago ne morem sprobat, ker je presvetel, bi pa rekla da se vredu obnese.
IzbrišiJaz pa malo menjujem, ko rabim več prekrivnosti vzamem Catrice, drugače pa Essence :D
Tudi meni je boljši tale od Ctarice, vsaj zaradi prekrivnosti, ki je pri Essence-ovem malce manjka. Škoda, ker je res super svetli odtenek - perfekten zame. Jaz sem ga kupila prav zaradi tega, da bi ju primerjala, zdaj pa ju nekako mešam skupaj in mi je všeč končni rezultat.
V prekrivnosti je res razlika, drugače pa sta obadva super :D
IzbrišiThe Catrice one sounds really good, I've heard a few other Youtubers talk about that brand but I've never tried anything from there before.
OdgovoriIzbrišiJulia // The Sunday Mode