My Birthday Wishlist 2017

I can't believe another year has passed, I will be 21 years old on 13th of September. I know I'm still young, but I feel old. I was never one of those children that wanted to grow up fast. Anyway, let's go to the post. I put together a semi-big birthday wishlist. That's not at all what I expect to get from my friends or family (many don't even know I have a blog, or don't read it), but it's a wishlist for me, what I wish for in the next year, what I will maybe treat myself to. If you are interested, here is last year's version of the wishlist.

My Birthday Wishlist 2017 - Lana Talks

1. Balea Born To Be Lazy Tuchmaske
This Born to be Lazy products were all over Instagram and since they are so cute, of course, I want some. I haven't seen any in our DMs, I hope there will be. Here in Slovenia we basically get new DM product very late or never.

2. Balea Fresh & Fruity Duschaum
3. Bilou Cremiger Duschaum Tasty Donut
Both of these are on my WL for a while now. Balea is supposed to be a dupe for Bilou. Mainly I want these because of the scent, I'm guessing they smell amazing. I'm going to Austria soon, so I'm hoping to get some good smelling Bilou ones.

4. Rimmel Radiance Brick
5. Physicians Formula Butter Bronzer
My Essence bronzer is broken and I have actually almost used it up, so I think I deserve I new one. I really want the Butter Bronzer, everyone raves about it, but it's a bit expensive, so I will see if they have testers of the Rimmel one and try that one instead. I didn't realise Rimmel has shimmer in it, so I'm not sure if I will buy it now.

6. L.O.V Healthy Glow Blush 030 Seductive Flamingo
This would be such a pretty fall shade. I don't think I have seen any L.O.V blush reviews, but based on their products I already tried, I think it will be good.

7. Be... by BubzBeauty Makeup Palette
This palette has been on my WL since Bubz released it. I love Bubz, she seems so real, honest and down to earth, I love watching her videos. Not all shades in the palette are perfect for me since I love browns, but there are some nude ones and for the others, I can try to use them and see how they would look like on me. Fun fact: when Bubz came out with this palette I tweeted that maybe this would be my first YouTuber palette and she replied to me saying that she would be honoured :D

8. Zoella Jelly and Gelato Cream Body Scrub
9. Zoella Jelly and Gelato Shower Shake
Zoella always makes me so excited about her products. The packaging is always so cute and the scents seem to be amazing. I haven't bought anything from her yet, but I hope that will change soon.

10. BeYu Beauty Queen Volume Mascara
Mateja raves about this one a lot. Every once in a while I allow myself to purchase a mascara that costs a bit more, since mascaras are basically my favourite makeup product and I use them almost every day, so maybe this time it will be Beauty Queen's turn (once I use up at least half of the mascaras I have now).

11. Bourjois Rouge Edition Velvet Nude-ist
I recently got a Bourjois Velvet liquid lipstick called Cool Brown and it is my first ever Bourjois liquid lipstick. I know I'm late to the party, but I really like it, the formula isn't too drying on my lips and it feels nice, so I put another one on my WL.

My Birthday Wishlist 2017 - Lana Talks

12. Colab Dry Shampoo Paradise
I have seen these in our DMs but I'm not sure if I should buy one. Are they any good? Like Batiste or better/worse?

13. Lotique Eyeshadow Palette
We have a new store in our city called Lotique Makeup, I actually can't believe that we got something here. I swatched this palette is the store and it is amazing. It's very pigmented and the shadows feel so soft. I wasn't sure if I should get it, I wanted to wait for some reviews, but for now, I have heard only good things about it.

14. Balea Professional Haarmaske Oil Repair Intensiv
I have seen this mask on Youtube, on a German channel, but I'm not sure which one. I have searched for it in DM, but I can't find it, I only found two other versions. I'm not even sure if this one is new or is just the packaging that is new.

15. Revlon Ultra HD Matte Lipcolor Embrace
I see these all over Instagram, some Slovenian bloggers talked about it too. I love the packaging, it's quite unique and the shade Embrace looks like a lovely colour.

16. The Balm Meet Matt(e) Hudges Commited
A beautiful shade. Again, Mateja made me put it on my WL :D

17. Kiko Smart Essential Face Palette 01 Light to Medium
I really liked this palette when I saw it, but not I'm not so sure anymore. These shades look a bit too light for my skin tone, but the one darker is too much pink toned. Btw, I'm visiting Kiko soon, any recommendations what would be worth trying?

Thank you for reading!


  1. Take objave zelo rada preberem. Me vedno zanima, kaj ima kdo na wishlisti :D.

    To sheet masko moram še jaz ujeti. Mogoče veš, če je to nova ali samo v drugi embalaži? Ful luškan dizajn :).

    Butter Bronzer je res odličen, ampak imam občutek, da bo mogoče tebi presvetel. O Rimmelovih bronzerjih sem prav tako slišala same dobre stvari. Po mojem ne moreš zgrešiti.

    Imam tega od Colab isti vonj. Ni tak kot Batiste. Nima tega belega praha, dejansko se nekaj ne vidi na laseh. Ampak to pomeni tudi, da ni ravno za razmaščevanje las. Zame je to bolj za takrat, ko nimam ravno mastnih las.

    Ravno včeraj sem kupila en odtenek od Revlona. Odkar imam Devotion sem si obupno želela še en rjav odtenek in sem včeraj vezal Forever. Embrace je prav tako čudovit. Malo preveč pinky zame. Kupila sem ga pa v Tuš drogeriji, kjer so imeli znižane za 40%. Tako da je bil zdaj 7€ nekaj. Mogoče poglej, se ti zdaj precej bolj splača ;).

    1. Tudi jaz, še raje pa jih delam :D

      Mislim, da je nova, ampak ne vem... Ja lušni so vsi ti izdelki :D

      Potem pa bom morala še malo raziskati, bom najverjetneje kar Rimmerlovega kupila, mogoče celo Essencovega ponovno, ker mi je res odličen.

      Ok, potem je ena stvar manj za kupit :D Bom ostala kar pri Batiste.

      Oo super, upam da bom uspela pri do nje, bi mogoče res zdaj bil čas, da ga kupim, če je že znižan :D

  2. Super wishlista :) Podpiram kar nekaj izbir - Bilou peno, Beyu maskaro, Nude-ist, Committed in Revlonovi Ultra HD absolutno. Upam, da se ti uspe dokopat do vsega in s čim boljšim popustom :D

    Sem videla, da si že našla Born to be Lazy v DMu, a maske pa ni? Balea ma še neke manjše pene in Cake Pop Almond se mi zdi dokaj podoben enemu od Bilou, tistemu vijoličnemu, če se prav spomnem.

    Te maske za lase od Balee imajo pa vse v Avstriji, pri nas jih ni. Nisem nobene vzela, ker ne zaupam Balei z nego za moje lase, ampak so izgledale zanimive, če nimaš ekstra izsušene lase.

    Za Kiko pa poglej tista senčila v stiku, lake (itak), liplinerje in kakšno šminko. Ti imaš potem pa še itak izbiro vseh pudrov in korektorjev, jaz jih žal ne morem preizkušat s tenom Sneguljčice :D

    1. Hvala <3 Bilou peno sem že videla enkrat v Avstriji, ampak nisem ravno videla veliko ocen, tako da mi je na koncu bilo škoda teh par evrov :)

      Sem pričakovala, da bodo imeli te Born to be Lazy vse skupaj na polici, ampak so vsak posebej. Tako, da sem na začetku slučajno zasledila body lotion, potem pa se mi je že mudilo in sem čisto pozabila na sheet masko in ostale stvari :)

      Jaz Balei prej tudi nisem ravno zaupala, ampak sem imela predlani njihov adventni koledar in je bilo par testerjev teh mask in so mi bile dejansko všeč. Grem še ta mesec v Avstrijo in bom tam pogledla :D

      Glede tega imam res srečo ja :D Za lake vem, da so super, ostalo pa boš še raziskala. Vedno imam par stvari na WL, ko pa končno pridem do Kikota, pa je preveč vsega in na koncu ne vzamem nič.
