1. L.O.V Cosmetics LOVinity Long Lasting Nail Lacquer 264 Devoted Denim
I fell in love with my L.O.V nail polish and I really want another one. I haven't seen this shade in the store yet so it might be a bit too bright for my taste. I am hoping more for a lighter pastel shade.
I fell in love with my L.O.V nail polish and I really want another one. I haven't seen this shade in the store yet so it might be a bit too bright for my taste. I am hoping more for a lighter pastel shade.
2. Colourpop No Filter Concealer
This concealer has been on my WL ever since it came out. I have seen a lot of praises about it. For around 6€ it is worth checking out. I just hope Colourpop will have international free shipping soon, or at least, a good deal so I can justify ordering some products.
This concealer has been on my WL ever since it came out. I have seen a lot of praises about it. For around 6€ it is worth checking out. I just hope Colourpop will have international free shipping soon, or at least, a good deal so I can justify ordering some products.
3. Makeup Revolution Liquid Highlighter Rose Gold
I already have one of these, called Unicorn Elixir. I don't like it at all. The shade is almost white with holo effect, it just looks too obvious on the skin. Also, it doesn't apply well, not with fingers, not with a makeup sponge, not with a brush. It just sits on the skin. I tried it a couple of times, but haven't touched it from then. However, I did hear some good stuff about these highlighters, so I'm still interested in this rose gold shade.
I already have one of these, called Unicorn Elixir. I don't like it at all. The shade is almost white with holo effect, it just looks too obvious on the skin. Also, it doesn't apply well, not with fingers, not with a makeup sponge, not with a brush. It just sits on the skin. I tried it a couple of times, but haven't touched it from then. However, I did hear some good stuff about these highlighters, so I'm still interested in this rose gold shade.
3. Colourpop Pressed Powder Shadow Palette Double Entendre
Colourpop recently released so many eyeshadow palettes and I haven't had a chance to try any yet. I love Yes, Please! palette, but I'm not sure if I would wear all the shades, so this one is a safer choice. Again, hoping for free shipping soon.
Colourpop recently released so many eyeshadow palettes and I haven't had a chance to try any yet. I love Yes, Please! palette, but I'm not sure if I would wear all the shades, so this one is a safer choice. Again, hoping for free shipping soon.
4. Afrodita Hydra Thermal 24h Ultra Moisturizing Cream
I'm actually not sure if this cream is still available, I can't find this range in my local drugstores, I only saw Hydra Patch range. They still have it on their website. Has anyone tried this cream or the Hydra Patch one? I'm looking for a good moisturizing cream and these two look okay.
I'm actually not sure if this cream is still available, I can't find this range in my local drugstores, I only saw Hydra Patch range. They still have it on their website. Has anyone tried this cream or the Hydra Patch one? I'm looking for a good moisturizing cream and these two look okay.
5. The Body Shop Strawberry Body Butter
I have just recently tried TBS body butters and I fell in love with them. I save my Frosted Plum like crazy, there is only a use or two left in the packaging. I love strawberries and everything strawberry scented and this looks like it smells amazing.
I have just recently tried TBS body butters and I fell in love with them. I save my Frosted Plum like crazy, there is only a use or two left in the packaging. I love strawberries and everything strawberry scented and this looks like it smells amazing.
6. Maybelline SuperStay Matte Ink Seductress
Maybelline added a few more shades to their famous matte liquid lipstick range. I have a feeling they would be too drying for me, but I still want to try them. Before they only had a few basic shades and I wasn't too keen on any of them but these new ones look promising.
Maybelline added a few more shades to their famous matte liquid lipstick range. I have a feeling they would be too drying for me, but I still want to try them. Before they only had a few basic shades and I wasn't too keen on any of them but these new ones look promising.
7. Clay Ritual Facial Cream
I have seen a couple of Slovenian bloggers talking about this cream, including Monika from Sugarlove blog. I trust her when she says it's awesome, so I really want to try it. Also, the texture looks quite interesting.
I have seen a couple of Slovenian bloggers talking about this cream, including Monika from Sugarlove blog. I trust her when she says it's awesome, so I really want to try it. Also, the texture looks quite interesting.
8. Makeup Revolution Soph X Highlighter Palette
I follow Soph on Youtube for maybe a year now and I like her reviews. Ever since I saw she collaborated with MR, I had her highlighting and eyeshadow palette on my WL. I did swatch the palette in the store. It is well pigmented, but some shades have a lot of fall out, some also feel a bit chalky too. I need to try it once more and see if it's worth buying.
I follow Soph on Youtube for maybe a year now and I like her reviews. Ever since I saw she collaborated with MR, I had her highlighting and eyeshadow palette on my WL. I did swatch the palette in the store. It is well pigmented, but some shades have a lot of fall out, some also feel a bit chalky too. I need to try it once more and see if it's worth buying.
9. Makeup Revolution Conceal & Define Concealer
Another concealer I want to try. This is the one that is supposed to be a dupe for Shape Tape by Tarte. Again, the price is very affordable, but they have so many shades that I don't want to order it of a website. We have a small MR stand in some of our stores, but I haven't seen these concealers there yet.
Another concealer I want to try. This is the one that is supposed to be a dupe for Shape Tape by Tarte. Again, the price is very affordable, but they have so many shades that I don't want to order it of a website. We have a small MR stand in some of our stores, but I haven't seen these concealers there yet.
10. Trend It Up Powder Blush 025
I already own one of these and I simply adore it. I own a dusty rose shade that I reach for all the time in winter. It's not the best pigmented but with blushes that can be a good thing. I have almost hit the pan on my one. I love the packaging, it's simple, round and easy to store. I already looked at some shades in DM but they don't have testers and all the shades look quite similar, so I'm not even sure which one to get.
I already own one of these and I simply adore it. I own a dusty rose shade that I reach for all the time in winter. It's not the best pigmented but with blushes that can be a good thing. I have almost hit the pan on my one. I love the packaging, it's simple, round and easy to store. I already looked at some shades in DM but they don't have testers and all the shades look quite similar, so I'm not even sure which one to get.
11. Colourpop Take Me Home Pressed Powder Shadow Palette
Another Colourpop palette I wish to own. Colourpop really makes my WL grow longer. All of the shadows in the palette look perfect for my taste.
I realized I completely forgot to include new Bourjois Rouge Velvet lipsticks. I have been reading only good reviews and now, when they added four more nude shades, I think I'm finally going to buy one. I'm leaning towards the shade Peach Tatin but it's hard to choose because there are no useful swatches on the internet yet.
Thank you for reading!
Another Colourpop palette I wish to own. Colourpop really makes my WL grow longer. All of the shadows in the palette look perfect for my taste.
I realized I completely forgot to include new Bourjois Rouge Velvet lipsticks. I have been reading only good reviews and now, when they added four more nude shades, I think I'm finally going to buy one. I'm leaning towards the shade Peach Tatin but it's hard to choose because there are no useful swatches on the internet yet.
Thank you for reading!
Lana, vsi Glinini izdelki so res super fini, ko sem kupila prvi izdelek sva z prijateljico iizbrali glineno milo za obraz, no sedaj ga imam že 3-jič. Kremica je pa tak puhek v teksturi, posebna, izredno vlažilna, ti pa priporočam, da preveriš sestavine, da se prepričaš, da ti vse ustrezajo. Je kar bogata, super za zimo. Lista pa kot vedno čudovita in velik hvala za zaupanje.
OdgovoriIzbrišiGlineno milo za obraz že imam in mi je všeč. Ravno zato sem dodala še kremo na WL :D Hvala in ni kaj, saj veš, da te z veseljem berem <3
IzbrišiL.O.V. Devoted Denim je temnejši umazano mint odtenek, ni pastelni. Bom jutri objavila swatche (sem že miljonkrat pozabila), da vidiš, če je zate :). Sama si želim, da bi bil svetlejši, bolj pastelen.
OdgovoriIzbrišiZa Colourpop korektor in MR sem slišala same pohvale. Od MR sem ga hotela kupit, ko sem nazadnje naročala na Ličila.si, pa niso imeli nič na zalogi od stvari, ki sem jih še želela imet poleg theBalm paletke :/
Colourpop paletke me zelo mikajo, ampak me nobena kombinacija do zdaj ne pritegne. Želim nekaj s taupe in old gold odtenki, upam da jo kdaj naredijo.
Afrodita Hydra Patch sem kupila za tisto s katero sem naredila menjavo v Kanadi. Menda je ok. Hydra Thermal pa mislim, da res več ni, ker sem takrat, ko sem kupovala gledala v vseh trgovinah in je bila samo Hydro Patch. Sicer je meni od Green Line Basic z jabolkom krasna (ne govorim zato ker delam za GL, to samo pomeni, da dobro poznam vse njihove kreme). Diši kot Mandljeva krema od L'Occitana. A Baleina ti pa ne ustreza več ali samo iščeš malo spremembe?
Na TBS mislim v zelo kratkem naročat. Body Butterji so top in menda je jagoda dosti avtentična, vsaj tako se spomnim pohval izpred desetih let.
Za Bourjois šminke so pa swatchi na Bourjoisovem instagramu presenetljivo točni, vsaj če gledam kako sta izgledala moja odtenka na meni. Čeprav ti si temnejša, bo šminka verjetno svetlejša na tebi. Zadnji odtenek je Peach Tatin: https://www.instagram.com/p/Be2lCHyHv20/?taken-by=bourjoisparis
Škoda, sem upala na svetlejši odtenek. Škoda tudi, da niso dali ven več pomladnih odtenkov, pogrešam malo bolj barvit izbor pri njih.
IzbrišiJaz sem MR korektor tudi že gledala na Ličilih in so bili svetlejši razprodani, tako da na koncu nisem nič vzela in raje čakam, da jih v živo vidim. Zadnje čase opažam pri Ličilih, da je večina stvari takoj razprodana in potem rabijo pol leta, da naredijo zalogo :/
Iščem nekaj bolj vlažilnega od Balea, zmanjkalo mi je moje Melvite in 4 Kids and Us in opažam razliko. Balea je veliko bolj lahkotna, jo imam bolj rada poleti. Sem pa že gledala Green Line kreme, ravno zato sem jih opazila, ker ti delaš za njih, ampak nisem vedela katero izbrati. Hvala, bom imela v mislih to z jabolkom :)
Sem mislila že parkrat naročit par stvari, ampak me ta 40€+ za free shipping odbija. Saj vem, da pri njih hitro nabereš za takšno cifro, ampak bi še vseeno na začetku raje kakšna manjša pakiranja naročila, da sprobam.
Za Bourjois šminke sem našla ene 3-4 reviewe na yt in blogih, ampak se nikakor ne morem odločit. Peach Tatin mi izgleda lepo. Mikata me tudi Nohalicious in Caramelody. Hvala <3
Vse kar imaš na WL od Colourpopa je tudi na moji :). Naj se nas že usmilijo z neko dobro ponudbo, če že nočejo dat free shipping :D.
OdgovoriIzbrišiSama bi tudi rada preizkusila MR korektor, ampak tudi sama ne vem kateri odtenek izbrat. Upam, da pridejo v Tuš drogerijo.
Tudi MR Soph paleto sem swatchala in mi je bila zelo všeč. Bi jo imela, čeprav imam toliko osvetljevalcev, da je res ne morem upravičiti :).
Čakam že eno leto na ta free shipping haha :D
IzbrišiPri Soph paletki so mi zelo všeč odtenki, vsi so lepo nosljivi, razen mogoče tisti lila, pa še tisti mislim, da bi lepo izgledal :)