New In #29: DM Haul

Balea Erfrischendes Waschgel
Balea Aqua Feuchtigkeits Creme-Gel
I feel Balea is changing the packaging on all of their products. These two products are one of my favourites. I didn't pay attention, but my fellow bloggers said that also the ingredients slightly changed. I haven't tried the gel yet, but the cream feels the same, the scent is very similar if not the same. In terms of moisturizing, I also didn't see a difference. I will definitely keep repurchasing.

By Tetesept Eine Portion Glück Pfirsich Vanille Aufmunterndes Badesalz
I have been so much on my feet because of the new job that I actually got cramps when I walked, so I bought myself a few treats. One of them is this bath salt. The packaging has a tiny hole in it where you can smell it and it smells amazing, like iced tea or something like that but I haven't used it yet.

Balea Vital Tuchmaske
Balea seems to be doing a lot of repackaging lately. Vital Tuchmaske is my favourite mask from Balea, here is a review. A couple of weeks I was in DM and they had a sale on it, but all the masks were gone, so first I thought they were discontinuing it but later I saw it has a different packaging. It still feels the same as the old one. I just love the mask, it makes my skin nourished, glowy and better looking in general.

Balea Hippie Vibes Tuchmaske
This sheet mask is new from Balea, it's their summer edition. Other new summer products didn't convince me, but I do love trying their masks. Here is a review of six of them, some sheet masks and some regular masks. I haven't tried this one yet, but I will have you updated on my Instagram Stories or maybe I will even do a separate review here on my blog.

Balea After Sun Duschgel
I repurchased this one again, but not for a shower but for hand soap. It's absolutely perfect for summer when you get sticky hands from the sunscreen. It removes sunscreen but doesn't feel oily on the hands. Plus it smells nice.

Nivea Summer Liebe Pflegedusche
I went all out with shower gels this month. In my defense, DM had a special offer on them, so I had to buy some. This Summer Liebe from Nivea smells amazing, I love orange scents but most of them smell quite artificial and it's hard to find an amazing one, but this one smells so summery and nice. The scent doesn't last a long time though. Since it's a limited edition, I will probably get a few more.

Balea Frischehauch Duschpeeling
I always buy peelings from Balea, they are cheap, they do the job and they last for some time. They only had this scent for the longest time, I was waiting for something orangey and summery, but in the end, I had to pick up this one. It's not bad, but I would prefer something more fruity.

Balea Icy Berry Body Peeling
This peeling I have seen all over Instagram so I had to get it, even though it's quite expensive for the small amount you get. It's a nice peeling, rough enough, but not harsh on the skin. It leaves a thin layer behind, so it doesn't leave the skin dry. It smells like berries and it's soooo sweet, to the point that is actually too much for my taste.

Balea Med 15% Urea Sofortpflege Milch
This is probably the tenth bottle I repurchased. I like that it doesn't have any scent, it's creamy, it doesn't really sink fast into the skin, but it's good enough.

Beauty Baby Pflegepuder
I ran out of my baby powder, so I bought another one. This one was about 1€ in Müller. I use this before epilation to completely dry the skin and it works okay. It's a normal baby powder.

Balea Aqua Wasserspray
Again, some repurchases, just a must have in summer.

Balea Vanille & Cocos Cremedusche
Balea Exotische Vanille Bodycreme
I don't know what it is, but lately, I became obsessed with vanilla again like I have gone back to my teens. I haven't tried these two yet, but they smell quite nice, but it's that typical sugary vanilla scent.

Le Petit Marseillais Vanilla Milk Extra Gentle Shower Cream
Again, I saw vanilla and I grabbed it.  I almost forgot this brand existed, but I saw it on youtube and it caught my eye when I was in DM. This is just what I wanted from a vanilla shower gel. It smells like a vanilla pudding, it's not overly sweet, just enough and it smells like a true vanilla, not at all artificial. The consistency is nice and creamy and the scent actually lingers for a while. More than happy with this one. It was a bit more expensive compared to Balea for example, around 2,50€, but it was worth it.

Balea Vanilla Cream Duschschaum
And of course, another vanilla scented product. When I first used it, it disappointed me. This doesn't really smell like vanilla to me, Sweet Cake is what I consider great vanilla scent. It just doesn't smell not even a bit sugary, I can't even describe the scent. Don't get me wrong, it's not bad, but I expected more. In terms of the foam, it's the same fluffy one than by the other one and I love it.

Jessa Intimpflege Waschlotion Extra Sensitive
This soap is supposedly good for cleaning your face since it has really good ingredients. I have seen bloggers talking about it, so I decided to buy it. I have not tried it yet, but I will let you know what I think in my future posts or on my Instagram.

Balea Totes Meer Fussbad
Something more for my feet. It's good, it has a calming scent and it leaves a bit of oily layer on the skin after, so it also nourishes them a bit. I like it, but I hate the fact that the bottle leaks.

Thank you for reading!


  1. Jaz pa obožujem vonj Icy Berry. Res, da je že skoraj preveč sladek, ampak meni je všeč :D.

    Nisem vedela, da Balea spreminja tudi embalaže mask. Včasih je dizajn tudi pomemben. Kje v trgovini so ti pilingi za telo? Jaz stalno blodim po Avstrijskih in jih ne najdem, pa se spomnim, da je Balea vedno imela kakšnega :D.

    Balea Med izdelki so mi na sploh všeč za zimo. Jaz sicer uporabljam njihov losijon z Allantoinom pa tudi tuš gel, ko imam res zelo občutljivo kožo. Mi je všeč, da je tako cenovno ugodna linija, ker če bi kupovala v lekarni, bi krepko preplačala.

    Super objava, vedno kaj novega najdem :).

    1. Ja, sem gledala ravno zadnjič in večino mask so že zamenjali. Pilingi so pri nas v mestu zraven tuš gelov, ponavadi je itak samo eden. V ep pa se spomnim, da sem jih iskala pa jih tudi nisem našla.

      Jaz še vseeno želim enkrat preizkusiti kakšen Eucerin ali kaj takšnega, ampak za zdaj mi je Balea čisto dovolj. Bom še pogledala za ta losijon z Allantoinom :D

      Hvala <3<3

  2. Pokupila vse tušgele, a? ;) Jaz tudi zmeraj preverim pri Balei, kaj je kaj novega, ker je zmeraj kaj, če ne drugega, pa za dušo ;)
    Tisti pomarančni (Nivea) gel za tuširanje morem obvezno preverit, malo imam že dovolj vseh teh sladkih gelov za tuširanje, daj mi nekaj bolj naravnega!

    1. Če pa so imeli 25kratne točke na tuš gele, jaz pa sem jih imela kar nekaj na WL :D
      Super je ta pomarančni, sem mislila vzet tistega Sun, ki je bil tako popularen, ampak sem se na koncu odločila za tega :D
