Avon Nutra Effects Active Moisture Hydration Overnight Gel-Cream

Avon Nutra Effects Active Moisture Hydration Overnight Gel-Cream

I heard good things about this cream and I finally decided to give it a try when Petra made a Forever Repurchase Products post.

Avon Nutra Effects Active Moisture Hydration Overnight Gel-Cream

The Nutra Effects Active Moisture Hydration Overnight Gel-Cream comes in a sleek glass bottle that looks more expensive than it really is. It has a plastic lid with the engraved brand name on it. The glass contains 50ml of product and the retail price is 7,90€ but they always have some great deals, I bought mine for 3,50€. Although the glass is nice, the opening is a bit small and nonpractical. I wouldn't say it's hard to get the last bits of the cream out but it's not super easy either.

Avon Nutra Effects Active Moisture Hydration Overnight Gel-Cream

The cream is part of the Nutra Effects line. Avon says that the Hydration collection is formulated to help boost skin’s barrier function to help protect from the dehydrating effects of external elements like wind, cold and dry air. The formula is enriched with chia seeds and is supposed to help and keep skin looking and feeling moisturized, nourished and hydrated. The cream is free of parabens, phthalates and dyes, it's hypoallergenic and suitable for sensitive skin.

Avon Nutra Effects Active Moisture Hydration Overnight Gel-Cream

The gel cream has a light and transparent gel texture. I don't know how to describe the scent other than fresh. A little goes a long way with this cream, it spreads easily and it sinks in really fast. That's why I love it, it doesn't feel greasy but my skin still feels and looks very hydrated

Avon Nutra Effects Active Moisture Hydration Overnight Gel-Cream

I was using a Balea gel cream before this one and I have to say that they are not similar, the Avon's one has much more compact gel consistency and it feels a lot more hydrating. That's why I'm switching to this one. The price is almost the same if I buy it while they have a good offer. It is supposed to be a night cream, but I just switch it up, sometimes I use it in the morning and sometimes at night. It makes a great cream for under makeup too, it hydrates the dry patches so the skin doesn't look as dry when I apply foundation and powder.

Avon Nutra Effects Active Moisture Hydration Overnight Gel-Cream
Avon Nutra Effects Active Moisture Hydration Overnight Gel-Cream

I love the cream, thank you so much for a recommendation Petra :). It's a gel that feels refreshing and it hydrates the skin without leaving a greasy film. I ordered two more of these while they are still 3,50€ but in the future, I also want to try the day cream from this line.

Thank you for reading!


  1. Zdaj sem pa res vesela, da ti je všeč :) <3. Pri meni je kar stalnica od kar sem jo prvič naročila. Se popolnoma strinjam, da je embalaža res malo nerodna, sploh za zadnje ostanke, ampak formula odtehta :D. Dnevna verzija je sicer malo bolj sijoča, za dni, ko bo koža bolj suha. Meni je celo všeč kot neke vrste osvetljevalec, če nimam na sebi makeupa. Jo pa uporabljam bolj pozimi. Obe kupujem takrat ko sta znižani, kot si tudi sama omenila. Za ceno vsekakor vredni, če ti je všeč formula :).

    In hvala za delitev <3 :)

    1. Bom preizkusila še dnevno verzijo :D Čeprav zdaj ko gledam ne najdem nobene, ne v katalogu in ne na spletni strani :/ Upam, da v naslednji kampanji pride spet in da je ne bodo za nekaj časa izpustili, tako kot so primer pred tem, ko so spremenili embalažo :/
