Every year I search for a perfect planner that I would actually enjoy using and this year I have (hopefully) found one. I had a few planners before but none really worked out for a longer period of time. Mostly because of the weekly spread, most planners have small spaces for days. What especially bugged me is, that some planners have Saturday and Sunday in one column or generally such a small place and I am a person that does the most on the weekends. I went back to uni and I have a student job, I also manage a couple of social media pages, so I do all my assignments, blog work, house stuff, etc. on a Sunday (and Saturday if I'm not working), so my to-do lists for the weekend are long (endless actually) and I need the space to write them all down. I also need space to write to-do lists or reminders that I'm not sure on which day I will do them but I want to do them in that week. This year I got a chance to test the Beyoutiful Planner that ticks off pretty much all of the boxes for me.
Beyoutiful Planner is a slovenian product and it's one of the best planners I have owned. First of all, I love the concept of the rings that keep the planner together because you can actually remove and change the covers, remove and add sheets. You can remove the months that already passed if you don't need them anymore and you can make your planner less bulky. You can also choose your own rings, I chose rose gold. The rings make the planner fold all the way around, so it's easier to write in it. I love how customizable the planner is and that you can choose your cover. My camera didn't pick up the pastel ombre that is going on on my cover but it looks beautiful.
I love the weekly spread, the planner is wider than most other planners, so there is enough space. I keep my work in one place, my uni stuff in another and my to-do lists in the last section of the day. On the top left corner, you have a calendar for that month and that is always useful to have. The only thing that I miss with this planner is the monthly spread so I can have the whole month in front of me but you do have a page at the start of the month where you can write some important stuff.
Rebeka and Igor, a couple that made this planner are also so lovely, they let me choose two planner covers that I can change any time I want and after a while, they asked me how I liked the planner and that really shows that they are trying hard. They actually make vlogs, so you can follow them on Youtube here. You can also find some planner related content there.

I love that the planner comes with some stickers, I think in the future you will be able to buy more of them, they also said that you will be able to purchase extra sheets for notes at the back of the planner.
In the future, I would also suggest adding tabs on the side of the planner for each month so it's a bit easier to find what you are looking for. Also, the monthly spread but other than that, I love it. It is fully customizable, from the rings to the cover. The one thing, that I like the most, is that I have enough space for everything. You can follow Beyoutiful Planner on Facebook or Instagram.
Thank you for reading!
*Planner was sent to me