Notino is a website that probably everybody knows, it has most of the brands that you could think of and the products are mostly cheaper than in other stores. Another plus, you can order products from your bed. Today, I got a wishlist for spring, including basically everything, from hair, makeup and skincare. I already made one of these for autumn last year.
1. L'Oreal Professionnel Serie Expert Absolut Repair Gold Quinoa + Protein
For now, I'm really satisfied with Pantene's conditioners and a mask but I still want to try more expensive hair products to see if they really do make a difference. I have had this mask on my WL for a long time but now that I stopped taking BC pills, my body is recovering and my hair has changed. I don't even know what to do anymore, it's still very dry but it gets greasy fast so at this point I'm still trying to figure it out and I'm not sure if I should even use super nourishing masks like this.
2. L.O.V BLUSHment Blurring Blush 010 Be The Game Changer and 030 Beautiful Minds Empower Other
Mateja always raves about these blushes, so of course, they are on top of my wishlist. I like the design, I love the marble pattern on the actual blush and the shades look really promising for my taste.
Mateja always raves about these blushes, so of course, they are on top of my wishlist. I like the design, I love the marble pattern on the actual blush and the shades look really promising for my taste.
3. Bourjois Satin Edition 24h Eyeshadow 01 Beige-Seller
I already have one shade called 03 Mauve Your Body and I love it. Now, that I got used to applying it, it's so fast and easy to just put this on my eyes and it's done. I really like the shade 01 Beige-Seller and I think it would complement my green-blue eyes well.
4. Eveline Cosmetics Nail Therapy 8in1 Total Action Intensive Nail Conditioner
This has been on my WL for a long time but when I decided to buy a nail repairing treatment I went for Microcell 2000, which just isn't working for me. So this is next in line, it's also about 10€ cheaper.
5. CeraVe Facial Moisturizing Lotion
They discontinued my favourite cream that I found recently, Avon's Nutra Effect Active Moisture, so I'm searching for something to replace it. I found a lot of good reviews on this CeraVe cream, I think it also exists a version with SPF, so I would like to try it, to see if it's any good.
They discontinued my favourite cream that I found recently, Avon's Nutra Effect Active Moisture, so I'm searching for something to replace it. I found a lot of good reviews on this CeraVe cream, I think it also exists a version with SPF, so I would like to try it, to see if it's any good.
I'm probably the last person to talk about this hair oil. Everybody and their mother owns one of these. I never really paid attention, I have seen great reviews but now I actually got intrigued.
7. L.O.V LOVsun Blurring Bronzing Powder 020 Seductive Bronze
Again, love the simple, yet elegant packaging. This looks like that kind of bronzer that you just put on to slightly contour your face in a hurry and that it gives some sheen.
Again, love the simple, yet elegant packaging. This looks like that kind of bronzer that you just put on to slightly contour your face in a hurry and that it gives some sheen.
8. Remington Curl & Straight Confidence
This has been on my WL ever since I heard about it, even more now that I want to go shorter with my hair again. I can't do curls with a normal hair straightener, maybe on shorter hair, it would work but on longer, I just can't do it properly. This seems like an easy solution but I'm not sure if it's worth it because after all, it is 70€.
Thank you for reading!
This has been on my WL ever since I heard about it, even more now that I want to go shorter with my hair again. I can't do curls with a normal hair straightener, maybe on shorter hair, it would work but on longer, I just can't do it properly. This seems like an easy solution but I'm not sure if it's worth it because after all, it is 70€.
Thank you for reading!
*This post is a collaboration with Notino
Super wishlista :) Te nove verzije L'Orealove maske še nisem imela, ampak mislim, da je zelo podobna kot prejšnja, ki je super. Ampak primerljiva s cenejšim Pantene. Če ti lahko predlagam, da če hočeš res videti razliko med drugstore in salonsko nego, daj priložnost Matrix Re-Bond. Oboje tretma 2 + balzam 3 na Notino nista draga, sta pa zagotovo nekaj najboljšega, kar sem preizkusila.
OdgovoriIzbrišiBlush veš, da se splača. Meni so ti res super :) Orofluido tudi, pa še najcenejši je od dobrih. S tem odtenkom Bourjoisovih senčk pa nisem bila nekaj zadovoljna, mi je pa 03 super :)
Za Remington sem se pa tudi jaz zanimala preden sem kupila kodralnik in sem šla brat tone ocen in menda je zanič. Sploh ne kodra dobro, le ravna. Kodri z navadnim ravnalcem so itak brezveze, še na meni padejo dol v pol ure in tale mi po principu tudi ne izgleda toliko drugačen. Sama imam glede na izkušnje precej raje navaden kodralnik :).
Hvala, bom pogledala :D
IzbrišiZa blush sem že ugotovila, da je super, pa še barva mi je zelo všeč :) Orifluido tudi ostane na WL :D
Škoda, sem videla nekaj videjev na YT in je zgledlo še kar okej, ampak ne bi ravno ekperimentirala, glede na to, da pride okoli 70€ :/